Sunday, February 27, 2011


In 2002 USTODAY did a study on how many people have premarital sex; this study showed that 95% of people had not waited until marriage. I am one of the 5% who want to wait until after I am married. I would like to do this for a number of reasons rather than just the obvious reason of being a Christian and knowing that God would like us to wait. First I would like to start off by saying that my mother was raised in a Christian home and she still had my brother at the age of 16. Christians are not perfect in anyway nor should we be treated or think of ourselves as perfect, with that said I still believe Christians should try to hold themselves at a higher standard because we should know better. I believe there are many reasons to wait, more people just need to realize what they don’t want and stick to it. Before you all think that this is easier said than done, I would like to say I know this because to take on this challenge too. I decide not to fulfill my wants for a few reasons that I am going to share. First reason is because I do love my God and he would like me to wait. Second reason I choose to wait is because I saw what a struggle it was for my mom to have kids at a young age. Third reason I wait is because I still have a great deal of things to do before I am ready to settle down and raise a family. The forth reason I am waiting is because I want to only be with my husband and him with me, when he looks at me years from now I want to be able to look back knowing his love is real and that I was worth the wait. The last reason waiting is so important to me is because I did not have a good father in fact he is man I barely know because he never cared enough to stick around. I made a promise to myself long ago that my children would never have a father like him and the fact is when we don’t wait we also do not get to pick the father of our children. Not all relationships are going to last so why not wait for the one that will. I want to challenge young girls to wait, I know at times things will be hard but just allow that to pass and know that you are well worth the wait. If a guy tells you otherwise do you really want to be spending any more time on him?

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