Thursday, February 24, 2011

Pit Bulls

Pit Bulls are ranked the number one most dangerous dog. This is hard for me to believe being I grew up with them, my mom used to bred pit bulls and they were nothing short of family dogs. I remember when I was a baby I would crawl on the floor with these puppies. When I was able to walk and the puppies would get bigger I would push each puppy in my doll stroller until every last puppy was fast asleep. These puppies were great with kids and were truly family dogs. All growing up we owned pits of our own and they were always the neighborhood dogs, the dogs all the kids loved and played with. Although yes our dogs were protective of us they also were very lovable and loyal. The pet resource and community said "Dogs most often make wonderful pets, however in certain circumstances, any type of dog can be dangerous. Even friendly dogs, can inflict great harm in the wrong circumstance." I believe this quote nails it because its true dog do make wonderful pets but sometimes humans put them into situations where they become aggressive. Sometimes a dog will feel their family is in danger or maybe even they themselves feel like they are in danger. I believe dogs are what their owners make them. If their owners treat them right and love them they show love and loyalty in return. Unfortunately because pit bulls can lock their jaws so people who tend to own them miss treat them. Some dogs are forced to fight and sadly the smaller dogs are used as bate dogs. These kinds of people are the ones who should be punished because from birth these dogs do not have a chance. The dog we own now was a small pit, we found her tied to a tree. She had cuts all over and was so skinny we could see all of her bones, her jaw was broken at one point too. We believe she was left there to die and we could see there was no hope in her eyes. We took her in, she wouldn't eat for days and she would just in one spot terrified. It took about a week for her to realize that she was safe and everything  would be ok. Today she's the most loving dog although she is still scared of new men we know the fear will always be. 

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