Sunday, March 6, 2011


I have felt my share of pain in my short time of living. I have two older brothers who loved to put me in pain either physical or mental pain depending on the day. Having two older brothers also made me into a tomboy, which caused me to have many falls that cause server pain. Even with all the pain my child hood had none of it compared to what I would face once I hit high school. I was a girl who was broken long ago but I thought someone had put things back together little did I know he would be the one to break me most of all. In my experience my heart pain has been the strongest of all. My body changed, my heart, my outlook on life, and I was gone. I could not eat everything made me sick I became skinner and skinner. While your heart is broken its like you are just going through the motions not really sure your alive. When your heart breaks you forget to take deep breaths because all of a sudden just breathing was hard work. I was angry with men because it was another one to add to the list after father number one and father number two. I had one father leave and cheat while spending years in jail while the other just cheated and left. The time I had to most pain was not when I fell off my dirt bike, when I fell face first in the street, or when I would fight with my brothers but when I stupidly allowed a young boy to break my heart. 

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