Sunday, February 20, 2011

Peer Pressure (pre-write)

I wanted to write about peer pressure and how it effects teens with their life with the decisions they make. 
I think I wanted to write about about peer pressure for two main reasons: relevance and me being a Christian (in a public high school). At some point in everyone's high school life they will have an encounter with peer pressure, no matter their status or even want their decision was. The one thing we have always had in common we all had a choice to make.  I also have decided to write about this topic is because I was a Christian girl in a public who just happened to know all the right people. Knowing all the right people always made it hard for me to know what exactly was the right thing to do. Because I was a Christian I always knew what I should do but that didn't always make me feel like I was right, mostly I wasn't always sure what my peers thought was right. In the ended I always stayed faithful and people had a lot of respect for me simply because I followed what I believed in. Peer pressure has effects whether you fall short or not I say this because you seem to have regrets   either way. In high school I was the girl who got along with just about everyone including all the people who liked to party on the weekends. I never took a drink or smoked, I would be lying if i said there are times when I do not regret that because the fact is giving in would have made my life easier but another huge fact is I wouldn't have been the smart, dependable, independent girl I was if i just followed the crowd. On the other hand there are people who wish they would have partied a little less, who wish they would have not given in to peer pressure. I believe this is something that follows us into our future, the question is were you in or out?

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