Sunday, February 6, 2011


 Lies. The dictionary defines this as:  be in  or assume a horizontal or resting position on a supporting surface. Its funny how short this meaning is yet this word causes so much hurt. Most of the time the lies that people last a long amount of time even though it only takes few mins to tell them and a few hours to spread them. Lies are the easiest way to destroy relationships so can someone tell me why people let them come to the service so much. I don't understand what happened to the good to the honest and to the worthy. Every time I turn around I feel like I hear someone else telling a little white lie or may just stretching the truth. Its only a little bit what could it possibly hurt? Lies have a way of just creeping in when you least except it. Its become such a part of our culture that now most of the time we let them go because it's just something we live with. But lies hurt people, and hurt people, hurt people its a vicious cycle and we are all living in it. People think when they lie and cheat it only effects themselves but the problem is one lie is never effecting just one person it creates a web until we cant handle anymore and we start to spiral. Lies. The dictionary defines this as:  be in or assume a horizontal or resting position on a supporting surface.

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