Sunday, February 27, 2011


In 2002 USTODAY did a study on how many people have premarital sex; this study showed that 95% of people had not waited until marriage. I am one of the 5% who want to wait until after I am married. I would like to do this for a number of reasons rather than just the obvious reason of being a Christian and knowing that God would like us to wait. First I would like to start off by saying that my mother was raised in a Christian home and she still had my brother at the age of 16. Christians are not perfect in anyway nor should we be treated or think of ourselves as perfect, with that said I still believe Christians should try to hold themselves at a higher standard because we should know better. I believe there are many reasons to wait, more people just need to realize what they don’t want and stick to it. Before you all think that this is easier said than done, I would like to say I know this because to take on this challenge too. I decide not to fulfill my wants for a few reasons that I am going to share. First reason is because I do love my God and he would like me to wait. Second reason I choose to wait is because I saw what a struggle it was for my mom to have kids at a young age. Third reason I wait is because I still have a great deal of things to do before I am ready to settle down and raise a family. The forth reason I am waiting is because I want to only be with my husband and him with me, when he looks at me years from now I want to be able to look back knowing his love is real and that I was worth the wait. The last reason waiting is so important to me is because I did not have a good father in fact he is man I barely know because he never cared enough to stick around. I made a promise to myself long ago that my children would never have a father like him and the fact is when we don’t wait we also do not get to pick the father of our children. Not all relationships are going to last so why not wait for the one that will. I want to challenge young girls to wait, I know at times things will be hard but just allow that to pass and know that you are well worth the wait. If a guy tells you otherwise do you really want to be spending any more time on him?

Putting Difference Aside

This weekend was my boyfriend’s birthday and I decided I wanted to throw him a surprise dinner. Little did I know that this would force me to put my differences aside, and I would be something I struggled with greatly. I had a best friend, unfortunately we are not anymore and my friend is still friends with him. My boyfriend is the kind of guy who gets along with everyone and tends to see past flows. He would not love anything more then to see me and my best friend make up again, although this is a lost cause. As his birthday approached I could hear the voice in my head telling me I needed to put our differences aside because this was not all about “Melissa”. As the week went I fought more and more with myself hoping that I would not need to do what I was about to do. I finally swallowed my pride and worked up enough courage to ask him to come. Do you know what happened? He was a jerk and he would rather miss a friend’s birthday than to be civil. I was hurt and broken once again, the worst part is I couldn’t talk to my boyfriend because it might have ruined the surprise. In the end everything worked out all the same, I went on with one more piece of my heart somewhere along the time. I can tell you one thing though, even with getting screwed over in the end I do not regret putting myself on the line for someone I love. I still had a lot to show such as my dignity and strength, most importantly I showed I put the ones I love first and my difference second.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Pit Bulls

Pit Bulls are ranked the number one most dangerous dog. This is hard for me to believe being I grew up with them, my mom used to bred pit bulls and they were nothing short of family dogs. I remember when I was a baby I would crawl on the floor with these puppies. When I was able to walk and the puppies would get bigger I would push each puppy in my doll stroller until every last puppy was fast asleep. These puppies were great with kids and were truly family dogs. All growing up we owned pits of our own and they were always the neighborhood dogs, the dogs all the kids loved and played with. Although yes our dogs were protective of us they also were very lovable and loyal. The pet resource and community said "Dogs most often make wonderful pets, however in certain circumstances, any type of dog can be dangerous. Even friendly dogs, can inflict great harm in the wrong circumstance." I believe this quote nails it because its true dog do make wonderful pets but sometimes humans put them into situations where they become aggressive. Sometimes a dog will feel their family is in danger or maybe even they themselves feel like they are in danger. I believe dogs are what their owners make them. If their owners treat them right and love them they show love and loyalty in return. Unfortunately because pit bulls can lock their jaws so people who tend to own them miss treat them. Some dogs are forced to fight and sadly the smaller dogs are used as bate dogs. These kinds of people are the ones who should be punished because from birth these dogs do not have a chance. The dog we own now was a small pit, we found her tied to a tree. She had cuts all over and was so skinny we could see all of her bones, her jaw was broken at one point too. We believe she was left there to die and we could see there was no hope in her eyes. We took her in, she wouldn't eat for days and she would just in one spot terrified. It took about a week for her to realize that she was safe and everything  would be ok. Today she's the most loving dog although she is still scared of new men we know the fear will always be. 

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Peer Pressure (pre-write)

I wanted to write about peer pressure and how it effects teens with their life with the decisions they make. 
I think I wanted to write about about peer pressure for two main reasons: relevance and me being a Christian (in a public high school). At some point in everyone's high school life they will have an encounter with peer pressure, no matter their status or even want their decision was. The one thing we have always had in common we all had a choice to make.  I also have decided to write about this topic is because I was a Christian girl in a public who just happened to know all the right people. Knowing all the right people always made it hard for me to know what exactly was the right thing to do. Because I was a Christian I always knew what I should do but that didn't always make me feel like I was right, mostly I wasn't always sure what my peers thought was right. In the ended I always stayed faithful and people had a lot of respect for me simply because I followed what I believed in. Peer pressure has effects whether you fall short or not I say this because you seem to have regrets   either way. In high school I was the girl who got along with just about everyone including all the people who liked to party on the weekends. I never took a drink or smoked, I would be lying if i said there are times when I do not regret that because the fact is giving in would have made my life easier but another huge fact is I wouldn't have been the smart, dependable, independent girl I was if i just followed the crowd. On the other hand there are people who wish they would have partied a little less, who wish they would have not given in to peer pressure. I believe this is something that follows us into our future, the question is were you in or out?

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Listens VS Speaking

I think a lot of our problems in our everyday lives come from us wanting to always talk. It happens everywhere even now that we are out of high school and in the “real world” it is happening people talk while the teacher is, the boss, while instructions are going on. Even when we have been taught, here we are talking, talking, and more talking. Its like we always want to speak but we never want to listen. When everyone is speaking at once it is chaos. We all want a voice but do we really want everyone else to have a voice? Winston Churchill said, Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen”. I believe this quote nails it because the person who talks all time is someone I tend to tune out because I feel like once again they are just talking for the sake of talking. It’s the person who sits back and listens that I listen to. I do this because once they speak I know what they are saying is important; I know that one day what they are saying may make a difference. I believe that we should try listening before we try putting in our input and before we try to make a difference in the world. 

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

New things

Lately I have been praying for patience not one of the smartest things I have ever done. I am going to be honest with you, if you pray for patience God is going to test you because being tested is the only way to develop patience. Now if you know me at all you know that I am a very stubborn young lady, strong but stubborn. I like things a certain way and I tend to live by "if its not broken then why fix it?". I have been taking the high road all of a sudden this is not an easy task, as soon as i said this prayer BAM, I was tested. My life was all of a sudden turned upside down and I no longer knew left from right. People who I trusted turned, people I loved became ill and it had seemed as if someone came in and took over my world. I hadn't understood why I was being tested in such a way, but I now know the point. Because its easy have patience and its easy taking the hide road when everything is easy. Its easy to love those who love you, its hard when the world is cruel and turns their back new things are hard but sometimes they can change you for the better.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

James 1: 2-4

James 1: 2-4 is my life verse, it is one that is dear to my heart because it has gotten me through a lot of hard times. This verse has been my hope when everything was unclear, when things were broken, my light at then end. 

This verse states: 
 "Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing."

Now I know I am young and people do not think broken when they see my pretty smile but thats only because i have become a master of putting on my mask. When things are falling apart my answer is always "ill be fine, i always am" this is what i have lived by. When fathers have bailed yes two, boys have cheated and when childhoods were taken. I have learned this world can be cruel but I have also learned that I am strong. I know now that I older that God does give me what I can not handle. That everything he allows will somewhere down the road help someone else. If my hardships are enough to give another hope then i am ok with them. All i can ever do is take life one day at a time and keep living by my faith and his strength. 

This verse will always give me hope, while everything seems hopeless. 

Abortion Surviver

This women give me hope. Hope that no matter what troubles we face we will be ok, that i will be ok. She shows me that we are much stronger then we think, yet i continue to second guess myself. This women also shows me that we always have a voice and that i should always use my voice for my lord. Even though when i speak my hands sweat, my heart races, and my voice trembles i know my voice, my option matters. That there is always someone who isn't as as strong as me and i should always be standing up for them. She teaches me that I tend to be selfish because I care about what others think. This girl has been through a rough life and yet she stands here not caring because it's what God wants. Abortion was going to end her life and yet she stands before us and she speaks for those who have no voice. I believe that when she speaks, people listen and that is a true gift in its self. Although most people would complain and blame God for what humans do, she stands there proud telling the world thats she is his girl. I believe we could all take so much from this women, this surviver  and most of all this follower. Some people think that there are no life to the unborn, that they have no voice but she's proof that God will never let anyone be voiceless when he has a plan. This women gives me hope.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Narrative (Re-Do) Fear

My mind was running a million miles a minute “left or right?” I could not remember which way was home. My hands were sweating while my heart raced. I was high up and only could see what was right in front of me. Someone was following me expecting me to some how get us home. Twenty minutes ago I was only a child and now I had the responsibly of getting the two of us home? I have never felt so panicked and afraid yet, I took a breath and said, “Don’t worry I will get us home”. In my story I talked about when me and my brother's girlfriend got lost in the trails and in the dark at the river on dirt bikes. This was a scary day for me   and I was responsible of getting the two of us home. My first paragraph is the climax of my narrative, I hope everyone was able to feel what i was going through at this time in my life. Everything in the end ended up ok seeing how i am not able to write about this time. I believe we go through rough times in order to grow and be able to tell the stories. James 1 1-4 tells me how i will go though hard times but these time will make me strong and show who U will become. This experience showed me that i am strong, good in a emergency, and no what matter what I am facing i will find my way through. 


 Lies. The dictionary defines this as:  be in  or assume a horizontal or resting position on a supporting surface. Its funny how short this meaning is yet this word causes so much hurt. Most of the time the lies that people last a long amount of time even though it only takes few mins to tell them and a few hours to spread them. Lies are the easiest way to destroy relationships so can someone tell me why people let them come to the service so much. I don't understand what happened to the good to the honest and to the worthy. Every time I turn around I feel like I hear someone else telling a little white lie or may just stretching the truth. Its only a little bit what could it possibly hurt? Lies have a way of just creeping in when you least except it. Its become such a part of our culture that now most of the time we let them go because it's just something we live with. But lies hurt people, and hurt people, hurt people its a vicious cycle and we are all living in it. People think when they lie and cheat it only effects themselves but the problem is one lie is never effecting just one person it creates a web until we cant handle anymore and we start to spiral. Lies. The dictionary defines this as:  be in or assume a horizontal or resting position on a supporting surface.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Narrative Story.

I am suppose to be writing about a time where I believe in something and stood up for it or even a time where I was in trouble for not following the rules. If you knew me you would know I was a good kid because growing up I never felt i was good enough so i tried to do my best by just doing what was expected of me, I am still this girl who does what she is asked and always does it well. As a kid I was also very shy and never really stood for what i believed in, as I have grown this has changed dramatically because now I am the girl who tends to stand up for the ones who have not yet found their voice. In my narrative story I am not going to be talking about a time where I stood up for something or someone, I am going to be talking about a time where my actions alone spoke for what I believed in and how that in itself made all the difference in the world.