Thursday, April 14, 2011

Reading Books

I love to read I always have a good book with me just incase. Most people my age do not love to read anymore, I can not tell you how many times my friends have told me “Why would you read when you can just watch the movie”. I love to read because it is a way for me to leave all the problems in my world and read about some else’s. I read because it is a way to get out of my head even if it is only for a little while. I read because it gives me encouragement that there are people out there with problems just like me and in a way it makes me feel less alone. Lastly I love to read because it gives me more understanding and knowledge. My favorite author is Jodi Picoult because she always brings up issues that people are dealing with everyday whether it is a story about school shootings, rape, or even cancer with in a family. There are no limits to where she will go which is why I love her books so much.  When she writes she goes back and forth to all the main characters so you are able to get inside the head of each side because you are able to develop your own opinion.

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