Sunday, April 10, 2011


Today our world is filled with many broken families I believe families should have the strongest bonds of all and yet you see it all the time families fighting and not being there for one another. Even on shows in movies all the good drama is when the families back stab one another what does these actions say to child? This tells them that fighting with your family is ok, that leaving your family is acceptable because it is just apart of life. I feel like God gave us family for a support system but if our support system is broken then where does that leave us? I just like any others have a broken family but the family that stayed has been there for me every step of the way and i would do anything for them. So i say forget what we see on the movies forget what makes good drama because the reality is if we can not depend on family, if we can not trust family, if we dont have those people then who do we have who we we turn to when our world is coming down and who can we really trust or depend on these are just some questions to think about. Who is your family from the outside and most importantly who are they from the inside

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