Tuesday, January 25, 2011

My Own Little World.

There has been a song that has been playing a lot on the radio and it has really been on my heart, it is called "My own little world" by Matthew West.  This is how it goes: 
"Easy to do when Population: Me"

This song has been eating at me for a few reasons. He starts out with "in my own little world it hardly rains, never gone hungry and always felt safe, money in my pocket and shoes on my feet", this is such a true statement. I have had a hard life harder then most of my friends but even my life can not be compared to most of the world. Here in American it hardly rains we are so bless yet i get caught up with trying to stay on top on America's standards on how "I need" to be living my life, rather then giving thanks for everything God has given me. I believe we American's treat being blessed here as a right rather than a privilege. The only difference between us and the rest of the world is we happened to be born here. "I try and stay awake in church, I throw a $20 in the plate but never gives till it hurts". In other places you can be killed for having your own belief and sometimes on sunday mornings I will sleep in because I am a little "tired", there will be hard times in my life where i forget to pick up my bible for days at a time. In the bible there is a story of a women who gives all the money she has and even though its "nothing"to the fast pace of American living but Jesus said she gave "everything", how i wish my faith could be so strong I have no worries as I drop money into the offering. "I turn off the news when I don't like what I hear" every morning I turn on the news and fast-forward to the weather so that I can figure what i need to wear for the day. I do this because there is more good then bad, it breaks my heart to hear about all of the hate and hurt in the world around us so I turn it off but the fact is no matter how much I shut out the world it is going to be there. I need to be strong and help the world rather then staying in my own world and in the comfort of my shell. The next part is what gets me because its when we stop saying and start doing. "Well, I stopped at a red light, looked out my window I saw a cardboard sign, said “Help this homeless widow”Above that sign was the face of a human and I thought to myself, “God, what have I been doing?” So I rolled down the window and I looked her in the eye I thought how many times have I just passed her by? So I gave her some money then I drove on through And my own little world reached (Population: two)". There has been so many times where I drive by and if I have nothing to give I find myself looking down never making eye contact, so what have I been doing? All of sudden its not just about me theres a whole world. I love this song because it should open our eyes we miss so much by siting back and living our own little world. So what will it be a purpose or worthless, theres only sides, because in my option not doing anything is just as bad .

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